Spring Weeds – Sahara Mustard

Sahara Mustard

Sahara Mustard, also commonly known as wild turnip, African mustard, and Asian mustard, is a member of the mustard family (Brassicaceae).  It is considered a noxious weed in Nevada.  It is beginning to grow and develop flowers in our area, particularly in disturbed areas.  The basal leaves can be three to twelve inches long. The lower leaves are arranged in a rose-like cluster and have lobes with rounded tips. The stem leaves are much smaller and have bristly, stiff hairs on both sides.  Sahara mustard’s flowers are small, less than one-quarter inch, with four oblong, pale yellow petals arranged in the shape of an ‘X’.

Sahara Mustard plants should be removed as soon as possible, and before flowers form and set.  The flowers can produce 700 to 9,000 seeds and are presumed to remain viable for years.

How to Remove:

Hand-pulling or hoeing – Plants of all ages are easily controlled by hand-pulling, hoeing, or grubbing; but removal is best before flowering and seed set. Always remove as much of the above- and below-ground plant parts as possible, and dispose of debris by bagging and depositing bags in a landfill, or by burning

For further information, contact the Cooperative Extension at 702.397.2604

Written Resources:

Nevada Noxious Weed Guide


University of Nevada Cooperative Extension Fact Sheet


Mustard 1

Mustard 4

Post written by:

Peggy Raines – Horticulture Instructor

UNCE Northeast Clark County

(702)397-2604 ex.4




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